Source code for rstcloth.rstcloth

import functools
import sys
import textwrap
import typing
from tabulate import tabulate

from rstcloth.utils import first_whitespace_position

t_content = typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]]
t_fields = typing.Iterable[typing.Tuple[str, str]]
t_optional_2d_array = typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.List]]
t_width = typing.Union[int, str]
t_widths = typing.Union[typing.List[int], str]

def _indent(content: t_content, indent: int) -> str:
    Prepends each nonempty line in content parameter with spaces.

    :param content: text to be indented
    :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element
    :return: modified content where each nonempty line is indented
    if indent == 0:
        return content
    indent = " " * indent
    if isinstance(content, str):
        content = content.splitlines()
    return "\n".join([indent + line if line else line for line in content])

[docs]class RstCloth: """ RstCloth is the base class to create a ReStructuredText document programmatically. :param stream: output stream for writing ReStructuredText content :param line_width: Maximum length of each ReStructuredText content line. In some edge cases this limit might be crossed. """ def __init__(self, stream: typing.TextIO = sys.stdout, line_width: int = 72) -> None: self._stream = stream self._line_width = line_width
[docs] def fill(self, text: str, initial_indent: int = 0, subsequent_indent: int = 0) -> str: """ Breaks text parameter into separate lines. Each line is indented accordingly to initial_indent and subsequent_indent parameters. :param text: input string to be wrapped and indented :param initial_indent: first line indentation size :param subsequent_indent: subsequent lines indentation size :return: wrapped and indented text """ return textwrap.fill( text=text, width=self._line_width, initial_indent=" " * initial_indent, subsequent_indent=" " * subsequent_indent, expand_tabs=False, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False, )
def _add(self, content: t_content) -> None: """ Places content into output stream. :param content: the text to write into this element """ if isinstance(content, list): self._stream.write("\n".join(content) + "\n") else: self._stream.write(content + "\n") @property def data(self) -> str: """ Returns ReStructuredText document content as a string. :return: the content of output stream """ return
[docs] def newline(self, count: int = 1) -> None: """ Places a newline(s) into ReStructuredText document. :param count: the number of newlines to add """ if count == 1: self._add("") else: # subtract one because every item gets one \n for free. self._add("\n" * (count - 1))
[docs] def table(self, header: typing.List, data: t_optional_2d_array, indent=0) -> None: """ Constructs grid table. :param header: a list of header values (strings), to use for the table :param data: a list of lists of row data (same length as the header list each) :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element """ t = tabulate(tabular_data=data, headers=header, tablefmt="grid", disable_numparse=True) self._add("\n" + _indent(t, indent) + "\n")
[docs] def table_list( self, headers: typing.Iterable, data: t_optional_2d_array, widths: t_widths = None, width: t_width = None, indent: int = 0, ) -> None: """ Constructs list table. :param headers: a list of header values (strings), to use for the table :param data: a list of lists of row data (same length as the header list each) :param widths: list of relative column widths or the special value "auto" :param width: forces the width of the table to the specified length or percentage of the line width :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element """ fields = [] rows = [] if headers: fields.append(("header-rows", "1")) rows.extend([headers]) if widths is not None: if not isinstance(widths, str): widths = " ".join(map(str, widths)) fields.append(("widths", widths)) if width is not None: fields.append(("width", str(width))) self.directive("list-table", fields=fields, indent=indent) self.newline() if data: rows.extend(data) for row in rows:[0], bullet="* -", indent=indent + 3) for cell in row[1:]:, bullet=" -", indent=indent + 3) self.newline()
[docs] def directive( self, name: str, arg: str = None, fields: t_fields = None, content: t_content = None, indent: int = 0 ) -> None: """ Constructs reStructuredText directive. :param name: the directive itself to use :param arg: the argument to pass into the directive :param fields: fields to append as children underneath the directive :param content: the text to write into this element :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element """ if arg is None: marker = ".. {type}::".format(type=name) self._add(_indent(marker, indent)) else: first_whitespace = first_whitespace_position(arg) # If directive itself is too long to be fitted in a line or # directive with an argument can't be wrapped without breaking # the directive in half then it is better to exceed the line width # limitation. if len(name) + first_whitespace + indent + 6 > self._line_width: marker = ".. {type}::".format(type=name) self._add(_indent(marker, indent)) self.content(arg, indent=indent + 3) else: marker = ".. {type}:: {argument}".format(type=name, argument=arg) result = self.fill(marker, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent + 3) self._add(result) if fields is not None: for k, v in fields: self.field(name=k, value=v, indent=indent + 3) if content is not None: if isinstance(content, str): content = [content] self.newline() for line in content: self.content(line, indent=indent + 3) self.newline()
[docs] @classmethod def role(cls, name: t_content, value: str, text: str = None) -> str: """ Returns role with optional hyperlink. :param name: the name of the role :param value: the value of the role :param text: text after the role :return: role element """ if isinstance(name, list): name = ":".join(name) if text is None: return ":{0}:`{1}`".format(name, value) else: link = cls.inline_link(text=text, link=value) return ":{0}:{1}".format(name, link)
[docs] @staticmethod def bold(string: str) -> str: """ Returns strongly emphasised (boldface) text. :param string: the text to write into this element :return: bolded text """ return "**{0}**".format(string)
[docs] @staticmethod def emph(string: str) -> str: """ Returns emphasised (italics) text. :param string: the text to write into this element :return: emphasised text """ return "*{0}*".format(string)
[docs] @staticmethod def pre(string: str) -> str: """ Returns inline literals. :param string: the text to write into this element :return: inline literals """ return "``{0}``".format(string)
[docs] @staticmethod def footnote_ref(name: str) -> str: """ Returns footnote reference. :param name: the text to write into this element :return: footnote reference """ return "[#{0}]_".format(name)
[docs] def replacement(self, name: str, value: str, indent: int = 0) -> None: """ Constructs replacement directive. :param name: the name of the replacement :param value: the value for the replacement :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element """ output = ".. |{0}| replace:: {1}".format(name, value) self._add(_indent(output, indent))
[docs] def codeblock(self, content: t_content, indent: int = 0, language: str = None) -> None: """ Constructs literal block. :param content: the text to write into this element :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element :param language: formal language indication for syntax highlighter :return: literal block """ if language is None: self._add(self.fill("::", initial_indent=indent)) else: self.directive(name="code-block", arg=language, indent=indent) self.newline() self._add(_indent(content, indent + 3))
[docs] def footnote(self, ref: str, text: str, indent: int = 0) -> None: """ Constructs footnote directive. :param ref: the reference value :param text: the text to write into this element :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element """ self._add(self.fill(".. [#{0}] {1}".format(ref, text), indent, indent + 3))
[docs] def definition(self, name: str, text: str, indent: int = 0, bold: bool = False) -> None: """ Constructs definition list item. :param name: the name of the definition :param text: the text to write into this element :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element :param bold: should definition name be bolded """ if bold is True: name = self.bold(name) self._add(self.fill(name, indent, indent)) self._add(self.fill(text, indent + 3, indent + 3))
[docs] def li(self, content: t_content, bullet: str = "-", indent: int = 0) -> None: """ Constructs bullet list item. :param content: the text to write into this element :param bullet: the character of the bullet :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element """ bullet += " " hanging_indent_len = indent + len(bullet) if isinstance(content, list): content = bullet + "\n".join(content) self._add(self.fill(content, indent, indent + hanging_indent_len)) else: self._add(self.fill(bullet + content, indent, hanging_indent_len))
[docs] def field(self, name: str, value: str, indent: int = 0) -> None: """ Constructs a field. :param name: the name of the field :param value: the value of the field :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element """ first_whitespace = first_whitespace_position(value) if len(name) + first_whitespace + indent + 3 > self._line_width: marker = ":{name}:".format(name=name) self._add(_indent(marker, indent)) self.content(value, indent=indent + 3) else: marker = ":{name}: {value}".format(name=name, value=value) result = self.fill(marker, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent + 3) self._add(result)
[docs] def ref_target(self, name: str, indent: int = 0) -> None: """ Constructs hyperlink reference target. :param name: the name of the reference target :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element """ o = ".. _{0}:".format(name) self._add(_indent(o, indent))
[docs] def content(self, content: t_content, indent: int = 0) -> None: """ Constructs paragraph's content. :param content: the text to write into this element :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element """ if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) self._add(self.fill(content, indent, indent))
[docs] def heading(self, text: str, char: str, overline: bool = False, indent: int = 0) -> None: """ Constructs section title. :param text: the text to write into this element :param char: the character to line the heading with :param overline: should overline be included :param indent: number of spaces to indent this element :return: section title """ underline = char * len(text) content = [text, underline] if overline: content.insert(0, underline) self._add(_indent(content, indent))
h1 = functools.partialmethod(heading, char="=") h2 = functools.partialmethod(heading, char="-") h3 = functools.partialmethod(heading, char="~") h4 = functools.partialmethod(heading, char="+") h5 = functools.partialmethod(heading, char="^") h6 = functools.partialmethod(heading, char=";") title = functools.partialmethod(heading, char="=", overline=True) # admonitions admonition = functools.partialmethod(directive, name="admonition") attention = functools.partialmethod(directive, name="attention") caution = functools.partialmethod(directive, name="caution") danger = functools.partialmethod(directive, name="danger") error = functools.partialmethod(directive, name="error") hint = functools.partialmethod(directive, name="hint") important = functools.partialmethod(directive, name="important") note = functools.partialmethod(directive, name="note") tip = functools.partialmethod(directive, name="tip") warning = functools.partialmethod(directive, name="warning") # bibliographic fields abstract = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Abstract") address = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Address") author = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Author") authors = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Authors") contact = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Contact") copyright = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Copyright") date = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Date") dedication = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Dedication") organization = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Organization") revision = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Revision") status = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Status") version = functools.partialmethod(field, name="Version") # raw directives
[docs] def page_break(self, template: str = None) -> None: """ Constructs page break. :param template: name of the next page template """ if template is None: content = "PageBreak" else: content = "PageBreak {template}".format(template=template) self.directive(name="raw", arg="pdf", content=content)
[docs] def frame_break(self, heights: int) -> None: """ Constructs frame break. :param heights: height in points """ self.directive(name="raw", arg="pdf", content="FrameBreak {0}".format(heights))
[docs] def spacer(self, horizontal: int, vertical: int) -> None: """ Constructs a spacer. :param horizontal: horizontal size in points :param vertical: vertical size in points """ self.directive( name="raw", arg="pdf", content="Spacer {horizontal} {vertical}".format(horizontal=horizontal, vertical=vertical), )
[docs] def table_of_contents(self, name: str = None, depth: int = None, backlinks: str = None) -> None: """ Constructs table of contents. :param name: table of contents alternative title :param depth: the number of section levels that are collected in the table of contents :param backlinks: generate links from section headers back to the table of contents entries, the table of contents itself, or generate no backlinks """ options = [] if depth: options.append(("depth", str(depth))) if backlinks in ["entry", "top", "none"]: options.append(("backlinks", backlinks)) self.directive(name="contents", arg=name, fields=options)
[docs] def transition_marker(self) -> None: """ Constructs transition marker. """ self._add("\n---------\n")