Source code for rstcloth.rstcloth

import io
import logging
import textwrap

from rstcloth.cloth import Cloth

logger = logging.getLogger("rstcloth")


def fill(string, first=0, hanging=0, wrap=True, width=72):

    :param string:
    :param first:
    :param hanging:
    :param wrap:
    :param width:
    first_indent = " " * first
    hanging_indent = " " * hanging

    if wrap is True:
        return textwrap.fill(
        content = string.split("\n")
        if first == hanging:
            return "\n".join([first_indent + line for line in content])
        elif first > hanging:
            indent_diff = first - hanging
            o = indent_diff * " "
            o += "\n".join([hanging_indent + line for line in content])
            return o
        elif first < hanging:
            indent_diff = hanging - first
            o = "\n".join([hanging_indent + line for line in content])
            return o[indent_diff:]

def _indent(content, indent):

    :param content:
    :param indent:
    if indent == 0:
        return content
        indent = " " * indent
        if isinstance(content, list):
            return ["".join([indent, line]) for line in content]
            return "".join([indent, content])

[docs]class RstCloth(Cloth): """ RstCloth is the base object to create a ReStructuredText document programatically. :param line_width: (optional, default=72), the line width to use if wrap is set to true in an individual action. :return: """ def __init__(self, line_width=72): self._line_width = line_width self._data = [] def _add(self, content): """ :param content: the text to write into this element :return: """ if isinstance(content, list): self._data.extend(content) else: self._data.append(content)
[docs] def newline(self, count=1): """ :param count: (optional default=1) the number of newlines to add :return: """ if isinstance(count, int): if count == 1: self._add("") else: # subtract one because every item gets one \n for free. self._add("\n" * (count - 1)) else: raise Exception("Count of newlines must be a positive int.")
[docs] def table(self, header, data, indent=0): """ :param header: a list of header values (strings), to use for the table :param data: a list of lists of row data (same length as the header list each) :param indent: something! :return: """ t = Table(header, data=data) self._add(_indent("\n" + t.render(), indent))
[docs] def directive(self, name, arg=None, fields=None, content=None, indent=0, wrap=True): """ :param name: the directive itself to use :param arg: the argument to pass into the directive :param fields: fields to append as children underneath the directive :param content: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :param wrap: (optional, default=True) Whether or not to wrap lines to the line_width :return: """ logger.debug("Ignoring wrap parameter, presumably for api consistency. wrap=%s", wrap) o = list() o.append(".. {0}::".format(name)) if arg is not None: o[0] += " " + arg if fields is not None: for k, v in fields: o.append(_indent(":" + k + ": " + str(v), 3)) if content is not None: o.append("") if isinstance(content, list): o.extend(_indent(content, 3)) else: o.append(_indent(content, 3)) self._add(_indent(o, indent))
[docs] @staticmethod def role(name, value, text=None): """ :param name: the name of the role :param value: the value of the role :param text: (optional, default=None) text after the role :return: """ if isinstance(name, list): name = ":".join(name) if text is None: return ":{0}:`{1}`".format(name, value) else: return ":{0}:`{2} <{1}>`".format(name, value, text)
[docs] @staticmethod def bold(string): """ :param string: the text to write into this element :return: """ return "**{0}**".format(string)
[docs] @staticmethod def emph(string): """ :param string: the text to write into this element :return: """ return "*{0}*".format(string)
[docs] @staticmethod def pre(string): """ :param string: the text to write into this element :return: """ return "``{0}``".format(string)
[docs] @staticmethod def footnote_ref(name): """ :param name: the text to write into this element :return: """ return "[#{0}]".format(name)
def _paragraph(self, content, wrap=True): """ :param content: the text to write into this element :param wrap: (optional, default=True) Whether or not to wrap lines to the line_width :return: """ return [i.rstrip() for i in fill(content, wrap=wrap, width=self._line_width).split("\n")]
[docs] def replacement(self, name, value, indent=0): """ :param name: the name of the replacement :param value: the value fo the replacement :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :return: """ output = ".. |{0}| replace:: {1}".format(name, value) self._add(_indent(output, indent))
[docs] def codeblock(self, content, indent=0, wrap=True, language=None): """ :param content: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :param wrap: (optional, default=True) Whether or not to wrap lines to the line_width :param language: :return: """ if language is None: o = ["::", _indent(content, 3)] self._add(_indent(o, indent)) else: self.directive(name="code-block", arg=language, content=content, indent=indent)
[docs] def footnote(self, ref, text, indent=0, wrap=True): """ :param ref: the reference value :param text: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :param wrap: (optional, default=True) Whether or not to wrap lines to the line_width :return: """ self._add( fill( ".. [#{0}] {1}".format(ref, text), indent, indent + 3, wrap, width=self._line_width, ) )
[docs] def definition(self, name, text, indent=0, wrap=True, bold=False): """ :param name: the name of the definition :param text: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :param wrap: (optional, default=True) Whether or not to wrap lines to the line_width :param bold: :return: """ o = [] if bold is True: name = self.bold(name) o.append(_indent(name, indent)) o.append(fill(text, indent + 3, indent + 3, wrap=wrap, width=self._line_width)) self._add(o)
[docs] def li(self, content, bullet="-", indent=0, wrap=True): """ :param content: the text to write into this element :param bullet: (optional, default='-') the character of the bullet :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :param wrap: (optional, default=True) Whether or not to wrap lines to the line_width :return: """ bullet += " " hanging_indent_len = indent + len(bullet) if isinstance(content, list): content = bullet + "\n".join(content) self._add( fill( content, indent, indent + hanging_indent_len, wrap, width=self._line_width, ) ) else: content = bullet + fill(content, 0, len(bullet), wrap, width=self._line_width) self._add(fill(content, indent, indent, wrap, width=self._line_width))
[docs] def field(self, name, value, indent=0, wrap=True): """ :param name: the name of the field :param value: the value of the field :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :param wrap: (optional, default=True) Whether or not to wrap lines to the line_width :return: """ output = [":{0}:".format(name)] if len(name) + len(value) < 60: output[0] += " " + value final = True else: output.append("") final = False if wrap is True and final is False: content = fill(value, wrap=wrap, width=self._line_width).split("\n") for line in content: output.append(_indent(line, 3)) if wrap is False and final is False: output.append(_indent(value, 3)) for line in output: self._add(_indent(line, indent))
[docs] def ref_target(self, name, indent=0): """ :param name: the name of the reference target :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :return: """ o = ".. _{0}:".format(name) self._add(_indent(o, indent))
[docs] def content(self, content, indent=0, wrap=True): """ :param content: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :param wrap: (optional, default=True) Whether or not to wrap lines to the line_width :return: """ if isinstance(content, list): for line in content: self._add(_indent(line, indent)) else: lines = self._paragraph(content, wrap) for line in lines: self._add(_indent(line, indent))
[docs] def title(self, text, char="=", indent=0): """ :param text: the text to write into this element :param char: (optional, default='=') the character to underline the title with :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :return: """ line = char * len(text) self._add(_indent([line, text, line], indent))
[docs] def heading(self, text, char, indent=0): """ :param text: the text to write into this element :param char: the character to line the heading with :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :return: """ self._add(_indent([text, char * len(text)], indent))
[docs] def h1(self, text, indent=0): """ :param text: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :return: """ self.heading(text, char="=", indent=indent)
[docs] def h2(self, text, indent=0): """ :param text: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :return: """ self.heading(text, char="-", indent=indent)
[docs] def h3(self, text, indent=0): """ :param text: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :return: """ self.heading(text, char="~", indent=indent)
[docs] def h4(self, text, indent=0): """ :param text: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :return: """ self.heading(text, char="+", indent=indent)
[docs] def h5(self, text, indent=0): """ :param text: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :return: """ self.heading(text, char="^", indent=indent)
[docs] def h6(self, text, indent=0): """ :param text: the text to write into this element :param indent: (optional default=0) number of characters to indent this element :return: """ self.heading(text, char=";", indent=indent)
class Table(object): def __init__(self, header, data=None): """ :param header: a list of header values :param data: optional, a list of lists of data to add as rows. :return: """ self.num_columns = len(header) self.num_rows = 0 self.header = header self.rows = [] if data is not None: for row in data: self.append(row) def append(self, row): """ :param row: a single row to add (list) :return: """ row = [str(x) for x in row] if len(row) != self.num_columns: raise ValueError("row length mismatch") self.num_rows += 1 self.rows.append(row) return self def _max_col_with(self, idx): """ :param idx: the index to return max width of :return: """ return max([len(self.header[idx])] + [len(x[idx]) for x in self.rows]) def render(self, padding=3): """ :return: """ widths = [self._max_col_with(x) + padding for x in range(self.num_columns)] f = io.StringIO() # first right out the header f.write("+") for width in widths: f.write("-" * width + "+") f.write("\n") f.write("|") for col, width in zip(self.header, widths): f.write(col + " " * (width - len(col)) + "|") f.write("\n") f.write("+") for width in widths: f.write("=" * width + "+") f.write("\n") # then the rows: for ridx in range(self.num_rows): f.write("|") for col, width in zip(self.rows[ridx], widths): f.write(col + " " * (width - len(col)) + "|") f.write("\n") f.write("+") for width in widths: f.write("-" * width + "+") f.write("\n") return